Monday, December 6, 2010


You work so hard to get so far
You lose site of what your even there for
You wake one morn and wonder where have the others gone

You use to smile and laugh
No you pull your hair out and gasp
And you say where, where and i at

You look for you loved ones not around
You wonder at what point you lost them
And if they fell to the waist side or the ground

What have i do runs in your mind
What and i working for was this damage all mine
You can't see the answer clouded by drive

You know that you love but where does it hide
You feel you heart beat but is it real
Or has the drive taken that still

Then you think on now what have i done
I driven so hard there is no fun
No laughter not even a smile

And you find at the end it not worth wild
Hold close to you what you love
Because one day they may be lifted above

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