Friday, December 3, 2010

Fear and Obsession

You wake in the morning lost in thought
You can't see very far because of the fear your surrounded in
You take a step wondering if your fall

You take that step wondering if some will be there to catch you at all
You look in front and see the faces pass you by
You have a tear in your eye yet cannot cry

You stand still affried to move then you see one angel
One angel smiles and says hello saying come move for you know
That i will stand right here with you your not alone

You racing mind thinks over and over
Can i do it this way and that i don't know
As the angel smiles right in front of you now

You cannot ignore the beautiful smile
Come on you can step into this crowd
Yes i can comes to mind

Now you feel like you can do anything
With here smiles face at your side
You know from that day forward

You could move a mountain if you tried
he tried to tell the angel its a long road
He can't change in just one day even maybe a year

But with this one tear and your hand
I can give hope to even man
Who walks like me

Lost in there mind
Thoughts lost in the sea

Thank you Ariana for showing me a new life
and letting me show you one of emotion and flight

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